UPS arrived at the office demanding £98 import duty. Duly paid I opened the box and powered up the most beautiful gadget in the world by far. Blast I could not turn it on because it wanted to dock to iTunes first - I should have expected that.

As I didn't have my main iTunes Mac with me (a white iMac) I rushed home and connected it up. Ah no! The iMac USB ports don't power during sync. A quick Google tells me that it only charges during sync with a new MacBook or new Silver iMac. Anyway, I registered it and did a sync (comes almost topped up with charge circa 80%). Then I fired it up. Simply the best mossy intuitive experience on any gadget. Ok some say it's a large Dom Jolly-like iPhone but it's not. UI is similar but the experience is awesome. I had sync'd some of my iPhone apps over and they work well in x2 magnification if a bit fuzzy. However I am typing this blog on my iPad using Blog press app for iPhone and it scales to full size.
The on screen keyboard is very usable but not so sure I will easily get used to holding a non depressible SHIFT key. What I love is the well spaced keyboard keys. I am typing this in portrait and even that keyboard is big enough for multiple fonder typing. I do keep hitting RETURN and N instead of SPACE though. Let's not bitch about this. It's remains the best soft keyboard out there. Android take note!
In the image below note I have the pad propped up on a small box. this is essential for good long term typing but even flat the viewing angle of the screen is brilliant and very usable.
Apps- the bundled apps are typical high Apple standard. however why no cover flow on the iTUNES app?
The best bundled app is mail which is great for EXCHANGE emails. Go suck on that Microsoft your OUTLOOK implementation does not touch it. However the calendar although pretty, does not feel that intuitive. I could not easily find a way to change months in week view without switching to month view and then using the scroll line at the bottom which displays months. Videos - I synch'd some HD and some ripped lower rate. Definitely the Apple store movies looked the best but they are all usable. Almost feel HD quality.
OK let's have some gripes. Here's a list because I don't want to get too picky as this is the best tablet device out there by a mile.
1. The screen gets very messy wi finger marks. Apple should have bundled a cloth but luckily I had one with my iMac.
2. In the UK the APP STORE fails to work as is not supported yet. Why not Apple I would at the very least have expected some demo apps and movie clips. And all music. I also cannot try the book store as this app is not bundled and needs to be downloaded from the app store. That should have been bundled with at least one Dickens novel.
3. No iTUNES cover flow.
So not too many gripes but big ones. Finally I have yet to test battery life as using it plugged in for now to write this blog.
-- Post From My iPad
Location:Mark Causeway,Mark,United Kingdom